A curated list of our toned-down-but-lit-up favourite examples for your viewing pleasure.
Feb 4, 2025
minute read
We’re not too proud to admit how much we’re inspired by other firms - in fact, we have a running list of agency websites from all around the world that we look at when our creative brains are fried. Lately we’ve been really inspired by Maximalism in general, but we're too neurotic to TOTALLY unleash this onto our clients, so we've curated a toned-down-but-lit-up version of our favourite examples for your viewing pleasure.
Obsessed with these bold fortune sticks for Wanpy by Ben Xu and Wei Hou. Check out the full project here.
The colours. The type. The photography. The layering. It's bold and loud in all the right ways. Kudos to Fibra.
Boutique cannabis packaging by David Baratta that has us all wishing we came up with this colour palette first.
Omsom is awesome - and not just their packaging. The website will send maximalist lovers to the good place - it's vibrant, flashy, and has all the right kind of moves. Designed by Mimi Jiao.
Spain-based designer Tais Kahatt hit the ball out of the park here in our humble opinion. Is it maximalist? It's bold and weird and balanced, and that gives us maximal feelings.
The kombucha packaging we all needed from Office Hours.
What's not to love? Everything about this feels so organic and so right. Plus there's a sloth on the back. See full project here.
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