How to write copy that doesn't suck

Compelling copy that converts your audience and keeps them hooked.

Newspaper on desk with text overlayed on top

Grab your audience with more than just eye-catching visuals: How to write copy that converts.

There’s nothing more exciting than finding a well-placed curse word on a company’s site. Better yet, a printed asset - can you imagine?! SCANDAL! And we’re 100% here for it. Now, don’t get ahead of yourself, disruptive copy doesn’t mean injecting the F** word into a random sentence, there are plenty of ways to captivate your audience that don’t involve the use of any low-brow remarks. Whether it’s utilizing unconventional language in your space, a hilarious “about us” paragraph, a heart-wrenchingly authentic origin story, or somewhere in-between, using disruptive copy is a guaranteed stand-out move; and when done correctly and with taste, it can be absolutely fucking awesome.

5 tips on writing copy that doesn’t suck.

Whether your brand is just getting its bearings, or it’s been around the block once or twice, you no doubt have your eager little fingers constantly itching to engage with your people online, ready to make that next meaningful connection. Well, stop right now, thank you very much.

-The Spice Girls

We have some other pressing matters to attend to before you dive in head first. Here are some things you may want to keep in mind when typing out that next paragraph:

1. Know 👏 Your 👏 Audience 👏
This is a no-brainer, people. You’ve heard it a million times. Know who you’re talking to, need we say more?

PRO TIP: Like in real life, you’re never going to please everyone. So keep your target narrow, write for the people that you don’t want to miss and you’ll snag a few stragglers along the way. You won’t have any success attracting the Astrids of the world, when you’re also writing for the Brads.

2. Keep the jargon at bay
Often times industry jargon doesn’t really jive with the folks you’re trying to connect with. More often than not, it can sound stuffy, uninviting and sterile. Skip the fluff with all the buzz words and opt for more authentic messaging that gets right to the point.

PRO TIP: Think about talking to this person in real life – would you really say, “The user interface underwent a responsive redesign, incorporating a minimalist aesthetic with a flat design approach.”….Like, probably not.

3. Brevity doesn’t mean basic
We are nothing if not distracted creatures. In this day and age, our attention spans are narrowing by the second, so keeping your audience engaged is like trying to feed a bird a popsicle – difficult, but not out of the question. Keep your writing succinct where applicable and flesh out the parts that really matter.

4. Trust is everything
No mincing words on this one, friends. A brand is built on the trust of it’s die-hards, and if you waver on your mission, statements or promises, that trust can be wiped out from under you as quick as you can say, “10 points to Gryffindor”. Stay true to your messaging, as true as Neville was to his frog, Trevor.

5. Chat GPT can be your friend – but not your best friend
The dreaded taboo subject of AI, eek! We know it can be touchy, but it’s here, so let’s get into it! Chat GPT is a fabulous ideation machine, there’s no doubt about that, but a personality she is not. Using AI as a tool to get you started is great, but it’s not hard to tell when something is written purely by Chat GPT – flat, lifeless paragraphs that drone on for a bit too long, perhaps a sub-par dad joke or two sprinkled throughout; pretty tough for an audience to relate to in our opinion. So we suggest using Chat GPT as a jumping-off point and adding A LOT of your own spice from there.

With all this said, there really is no “right” way to craft your copy – but if you listen to what Barbra Streisand (and everyone else in the world) said: “Stay true to yourself. People respond to authenticity.” Your people will find you, and that’s a fact!

Brands that are doing copywriting right.

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1. Bad Manners
Plant-based cookbooks with a shit-ton of flare. They don’t shy away from cuss words, and steer clear of any fluffy messaging. It’s to the point, hilarious and unpretentious in every way. We love to see it.

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2. Patagonia
There’s a reason we reference these folks in a lot of our blogs – they’re just doing it right. From messaging with meaning, compelling storytelling and overall just sticking to their guns – Patagonia isn’t afraid to put their money where their mouth is.

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3. Liquid Death
This gang is all about pushing the boundaries and it takes some serious talent to change the water game and gain a cult following. There’s no BS but at the same time, it’s all BS – it’s perfection. With a two sentence “about us” statement on their website that starts with, “We’re just a funny beverage company who hates corporate marketing as much as you do.” we can’t help but instantly put our trust in them. 10/10 very good job

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4. Oatly
Oatly does a great job of pulling back the curtain. They’re honest and transparent about their product and don’t make it out to be anything that it’s not. They’re cheeky, self referential, and very un-serious – which, based on our studies, the kids are just loving these days.

These brands remind us that brilliant brand copywriting isn't about fitting in; it's about standing out (duh), capturing attention (double duh), and building a loyal following through innovation, humor, and a unique value proposition.

So friends, in summation, give your brand the permission to be the sweet little weirdo that it is – your fans will thank you for it.

Case Study: SuperBelly Packaging & Brand Refresh